Let's explore ES6 modules ๐Ÿ˜ƒ


5 min read

Prerequisites ๐Ÿฆฟ

  • Node.js installed in your system Nodejs website
  • Here is a mini tutorial on how to install Node.js in your system
  • type node -v in terminal to check if it is installed

What are modules and what are commonjs and es6 modules ๐Ÿค”

When you start doing cool stuffs with javascript in terminal instead of browser.

you write javascript code in file like index.js, that file is known as a module.

Now there are two types of modules

  • CommonJs module
  • ECMAScript ( es6) module

we have already discussed about default module environment provided by nodejs -> commonjs

Lets write some code and discuss es6 modules ๐Ÿง‘โ€๐Ÿ’ป

  • open up your terminal make a directory hello-es6-modules

    mkdir hello-es6-modules
    cd hello-es6-modules
    npm init -y
  • it will generate a file named package.json

    "name": "hello-es6-modules",
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "description": "",
    "main": "index.js",
    "scripts": {
      "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
    "keywords": [],
    "author": "",
    "license": "ISC"
  • now create two new files
    first one -> hello-es6-modules/index.js
    is it necessary to create a file with the same name mentioned in package.json
    "main": "index.js" ? NO.
    If you are not going to publish it to npm using npm publish
    This field "main" does not serve any purpose.
    second one -> hello-es6-modules/oceans.js

  • and your directory ๐Ÿ“ will look like

    * hello-es6-modules
    * -- index.js
    * -- package.json
    * -- oceans.js

Lets activate es6 module environment ๐Ÿž๏ธ

  • edit your package.json and add the line "type":"module"
    "name": "hello-es6-modules",
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "description": "",
    "main": "index.js",
    "type": "module",
    "scripts": {
      "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
    "keywords": [],
    "author": "",
    "license": "ISC"

Come on! lets write some code for real ๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐Ÿ’ป๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐Ÿ’ป

  • in hello-es6-modules/oceans.js write the code

    const seahorse = 'It is a Seahorse';
    export default seahorse;
  • in hello-es6-modules/index.js write

    import oceansFromNowhere from './oceans.js'
  • to run the code in hello-es6-modules/index.js, who is ready to console.log | print | give output.
    In terminal type

    node index.js
  • you will get the output

    It is a Seahorse

the above program was the example of " default export "

In es6 module, there are two types of exports

  • default export ( the above example )
  • named export

So lets see named export

  • in hello-es6-modules/oceans.js clear up everything and write the code

      const shell = "I live in the ocean";
      // you can export like this
      export const fish = "I am a fish";
      // and also like this too
      export { shell };
      // both exports works the same way
  • in hello-es6-modules/index.js

      import { shell, fish } from './oceans.js';
  • in terminal type

    node index.js
  • the output you will get
    I live in the ocean
    I am a fish

An example of module containing both named and default export

  • in hello-es6-modules/oceans.js clear up everything and write the code

     const shell = "I live in the ocean";
     export const fish = "I am a fish";
     export { shell };
     const king = "I am the king of the ocean";
     export default king;
  • in hello-es6-modules/index.js

      import TheKiNg from './oceans.js';
      import { shell, fish } from './oceans.js';
      // or you can import with one line
      // import TheKiNg, { shell, fish } from './oceans.js';
  • in terminal type

    node index.js
  • the output you will get
    I live in the ocean
    I am a fish
    I am the king of the ocean

Lets discuss the difference between default and named export

the default export

  • you export with statement like export default king; from a module
  • and you can import it in another module using any name
    import TheKiNg from './oceans.js'
  • you cannot use as statement
  • you cannot have multiple default export from a module ( aka file )

the named export

  • you export like
    export const fish;
    export function sayHello(){ }
  • and import it with that exact name in another module,
    by destructuring assignment which seems to be object destructuring assignment but they are different.
    import { fish, sayHello } from './oceans.js'
    to escape from namespace you can use as
    import { fish as waterFish , sayHello } from './oceans.js'
  • you can have multiple named export from a file ( aka module )

Examples ๐Ÿงช

you can default export without name

  • you can import the same way in all cases of this example.
    from hello-es6-modules/index.js with the statement
    import isStrange from './oceans.js';


  • in hello-es6-modules/oceans.js to export write
    export default "this is not strange";
    // export default  const strange = "this is not strange";     not allowed


  • in hello-es6-modules/oceans.js to export type
    with function expression

    export default function () {
        return 'I am river';
    // allowed 
    //  export default function river () {
    //  return 'I am river';
    // }

    with arrow functions

      export default () => {
        return 'I am river';
    // not allowed
    //    export default const river = () => {
    //      return 'I am river';
    //    }
    // or 
    // export default () => "I am river";


  • in hello-es6-modules/oceans.js to export type

      export default class {
            constructor() {
               this.name = 'ocean';
            say() {
               return `I am ${this.name}`;
     // allowed
     // export default class Ocean {
     //    constructor() {
     //       this.name = 'ocean';
     //    }
     //    say() {
     //      return `I am ${this.name}`;
     //    }
     // }

you can use names too. If you want

  • Try mixing ๐Ÿงซ๐Ÿงช basic javascript and make new things.
  • Remember "There is no science without experiments ๐Ÿฅผ".